Ojas addresses the key drivers of success necessary for any business. Our team has experience operating and scaling business growth strategies, accelerating business development, investing in and incubating innovative platforms, and capitalizing companies through strategic and financial relationships.
Platform Level Value Creation
Young, under the radar, growth stage, or even mature yet distressed companies often struggle in finding/retaining exceptional CFO, COO, CSO, Legal, and Business Development talent, preventing them from growing their businesses to their full potential.
Ojas satisfies this need by partnering with the most promising under-the-radar organizations and providing seasoned in-house executive level expertise to catalyze development and accelerate the pace of their growth while establishing institutional quality scalable systems that not only improve the quality of the organization but the viability of attracting capable talent and strategic and financial investments.
Innovation and Strategic Growth
With market landscapes changing rapidly, companies must constantly be innovative and remain relevant to both their customers/partners as well as their investors. Ojas partners with companies to develop and execute innovative dynamic strategic initiatives that propel top line growth and profitability while simultaneously assisting in identifying new opportunities with adaptable execution strategies amidst evolving market disruption.
Capital Development
Adequate strategically optimal financing is a constant requirement for growing companies and an onerous process amidst the various other pressing priorities company executives are tasked with on a daily basis. As an executive level member of the partner company, in alignment with the organization’s growth, once Ojas has addressed strategic and operational concerns of client platforms, it works with the company founders in developing targeted materials and novel strategies to successfully execute the capital development vision the company requires to grow their business. Ojas also can provide comprehensive financial modeling, capital structure / ESOP / compensation analysis, as well as assistance in evaluating available sources and terms of capital.